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Crimes such as theft and leisure-time assault – this affects work – work

Crimes such as theft and leisure-time assault – this affects work – work

A teacher in Nynashamn was suspended from work while being investigated. The reason is that it had previously published Nazi propaganda.

The municipality will now investigate whether this affected her education.

– Although we in the municipality of Nynashamn shy away from expressions and opinions that this employee has been said to have expressed in the past, we need to clarify whether this is the case and, if so, in what way this could happen in the current employee’s role as a teacher , says Bar Olson, president of the Children’s and Education Department, in a press release.

What can you do in your spare time?

The question is what you may or may not do in your spare time if you want to keep your job.

A question raised by the Labor Court in an ongoing case where a miner was fired After a pub quarrel, which Arbetet talked about.

– There is a basic principle that you have the right to a private life and there is the right to do stupid things without it affecting your work, says Matthias F. Malmburg, labor law attorney at LO-TCO Rättsskydd.

But it depends on your profession. A hotel cleaner who spreads Nazi propaganda in his spare time can get away with it if there is no connection to the job.

However, it is more serious for the teacher.

– If you have a job based on mutual trust between you and the employer or between you and those you meet in your job. Children, their parents and colleagues will have reason to question your suitability as a teacher, says Mattias af Malmborg.

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Theft or assault

The same applies when it comes to crimes such as theft or assault. It depends on what profession you have and what business connection the offense has.

If you steal from your employer or co-workers, it is usually grounds for dismissal or dismissal. But if the crime was committed in your spare time and had nothing to do with your job, losing your job would require a lot more.

Mattias af Malmborg is an example of a labor court case in which an employee was sentenced to one year in prison for flagrant breach of peace and assault, and offenses committed outside of work.

– There, neither the crime nor the term of imprisonment was taken as a factual basis. There was no business contact, and therefore the employer could not say anything.

Mattias af Malmborg believes that if a police officer is guilty of assault, there will likely be dismissal. This damages the trust between the business owner and the public.

Theft depends on work

Even when it comes to theft, it depends on what job you have. A bank worker who commits property crimes in his spare time damages the confidence of his employer.

– Your employer should know a little about you, and if you have a complicated relationship with my relationship and a relationship with you and your money, they don’t want you to stay.

For other professions, it is difficult to dismiss a person who commits a crime.

– In principle, as a journalist, you can steal something if you do not steal from work or wear special clothes for the Arbetets newspaper. Mattias af Malmborg says if there is no connection to the job, the employer has nothing to do with your behaviour.

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Absence for two years before class

Even if the offense leads to imprisonment, the employer may have to endure an absence of up to two years without being able to fire the person. This appeared in the rulings issued by the Labor Court.

– Then the question is whether the employer should bear any kind of crime, even if it does not harm the trust or any other harm to the employer.

Is there a clear answer to this question?
– number.