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Charging stations lag behind in expansion

Charging stations lag behind in expansion

Despite the investment of billions in expanding charging stations in Sweden, problems in the region still persist. It is often difficult to get a connection to the grid at the same time as there is a shortage of capacity in the power grid.

The government is being pressured to reduce emissions in the transportation sector by 2030. However, the fact that the government stopped the climate bonus for car purchases this week does not appear to be contributing to emissions cuts. So it will be more expensive to buy electric cars, among other things.

The government invests billions in charging stations

The government is also investing heavily in reducing emissions by rolling out charging stations across the country, and next year more than a billion kroner will be invested in, among other things, public stations, writes dn.

However, work on expansion lags behind, especially in northern Sweden. Of the 100 sites identified, a third did not receive fast chargers.

Too expensive to run

Operating charging stations in many places has proven to be very costly, leading to players dropping out. According to the Swedish Transport Administration, it’s about a lack of capacity in the power grid, that it takes a long time to get connected to the grid and that delivery times for devices are still lagging.

The lack of capacity appears to linger in the future, and since it involves such lengthy processes of expansion, the Energy Agency is deeming it important to invest in home charging instead.

“Based on the surveys taken, we are prioritizing the issue of non-public places a bit more at the moment,” Anders LewaldSenior Advisor to the Swedish Energy Agency.

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At the same time, it should be easier for people to charge their electric vehicles at home, he says, as there are often many regulations there as well.

“A lot of support is needed for both individuals and condominium associations.”

Read also: Climate bonus disappears: This is how much your electric car costs [Dagens PS]

Read also: Climate bonus disappears: This is how much your electric car costs [Dagens PS]