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CFO Finalists 2023

CFO Finalists 2023

Azets is paying attention to CFOs within franchises by naming CFO of the Year at the Swedish Franchise Ceremony on May 5, 2023. The finalists are CFOs Patrick Back – Pinchus, Sebastian Slettingren – Gactia and Glenn Mattson – Team Sportia.

On May 5, the Swedish Franchise Gala was organized by the Swedish Franchise Foundation. As the North’s leading provider of financial and payroll services, Azets honors the Chief Financial Officer by awarding it the ‘CFO of the Year’ award.

– We at Azets work every day with many financial managers across the country and see them as an important partner that we want to support and create value for. Over the years, we have learned a great deal about their circumstances and challenges. Right now, they have to deal with high inflation and an uncertain global economy, and their work is crucial to how successful their business will be. At the same time that CFOs are of strategic importance to companies, they often operate in silence. That’s why at Azets we like to put CFOs in the spotlight, and we do this by awarding CFOs of the Year to talented CFOs within franchises, says Jon Migelgaard Jensen, CEO of Azets Sweden and Denmark.

The jury that selects the winner consists of representatives from Azets and McDonalds. After reviewing the financial development of a large number of franchise companies and the efforts of their financial managers, the jury approved the three finalists: Patrick Back – Pinchus, Sebastian Slettingren – Gactea and Glenn Mattson – Team Sportia.

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– It is always interesting and interesting to evaluate the efforts of financial managers and see what work they have done. Helena Malmström, Director of Marketing at Azets and one of the members of the jury, considers that this year’s three finalists are all good examples of CFOs who have successfully developed a financial and economic function that has had a significant positive impact on the financial development of the franchise system.