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British volunteers abducted in Ukraine

British volunteers Paul Eure and Dylan Healy are believed to have been abducted at a Russian roadblock.

Now mother Eure is living her worst nightmare.

– I asked him not to go. I said, “Please, don’t go,” she tells Sky News.

“Mom, I can not live with myself. I know people need my help to go safely. I have to go.”

That was the answer when mother Linda told her son and volunteer Paul Eure to stay home UKShe says Sky News.

Now he and his colleague Dylan Healy, 22, are missing without a trace.

They traveled Ukraine To do voluntary charity. They are now believed to have been abducted in connection with a roadblock south of the city of Saporijia, 220 km outside the siege. Like Mariupol.

“Do not play with the Russians”

Eure’s mother says she has been in Ukraine for more than a week and a half. This is not the first time. He had recently returned to Britain, and returned shortly thereafter.

– I asked him not to go. “Please, don’t go,” said Uray’s mother.

British volunteers Paul Eure and Dylan Healy.

She describes him as a “very kind” loving and friendly family man.

– I want him to be a terrible person if I am honest. It seems selfish, but I understand not to play with the Russians. He is so loving, she says.

Paul Eureka and his mother have been in close contact during their stay in Ukraine. During their latest conversation on Monday, he said he could not be contacted for the next 36 hours.

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– I feel like I’ll have my nightmare now and I want them to give him back to me. I feel like I have to die. I do not know what to do, it’s scary, she says Sky News.

Caught in a roadblock

According to the Presidium Network, a non-profit organization, Eure and Healy should have known each other, but they worked on a voluntary basis. They were said to have been in the area to help evacuate a woman and two children when they were abducted at a Russian roadblock.

They now fear that Urea and Healy are suspected to be British spies.

Russian tanks on the streets of Mariupol.

Three hours after the abduction, Russian forces reportedly stormed the house where the evicted woman lived. His wife is said to have questioned her husband as to “how did these British spies know” Sky News.

– We are worried about these people, the Russians will point them out as British spies, which is untrue. Dominic Byrne, one of the founders of the Presidium Network, says they’s civil servants.

British officials are involved in the case and tell Sky News that “they are doing everything they can to support them.”

Meanwhile, Uray’s mother is waiting on the phone.

– Something is wrong. They have taken him away. He should contact me if he can. He says he wants to help people with everything he wants.