Breaking Social won an award at the Cinema Ambient Film Festival in Turin, Italy. There, director Fredrik Gertten (Den unge Zlatan, Bananas!*) received the Environmental and Social Award. Later this summer, the film will have its Swedish premiere in Almedalen, where the political documentary is sure to garner some attention.
Breaking Social Movie Official Trailer
All societies are based on a social contract. It is said that if we work hard, treat others with respect, and play by the rules, we will be rewarded. But there are those who break the rules. Those who profit by using tax havens without giving back to society.
Breaking Social looks at global forms of kleptocracy and extractivism. Investigative journalist murdered in Malta A river without water in Chile. When people feel pain, they unite and start resistance. Already around the world we meet those who stand at the forefront of social struggle.
Breaking Social explores the possibilities of addressing injustice and corruption. A film about rebuilding the foundations of our society and planting the seeds of hope in all of us.
Sheffield Dogfest screens Breaking Social next week. It’s a documentary film festival in Sheffield, England. Earlier, the film was also screened at CPH:DOX, a documentary film festival in Copenhagen.
Almetal Week 2023 runs from June 27 to July 1.
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