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Bidding dispute over the property of Tre Kronor

Bidding dispute over the property of Tre Kronor

Tre Kronor’s Board of Directors unanimously recommends shareholders accept the offer. The previous bid by Svenska Handelsfastigheter was not reasonable and Tre Kronor’s board of directors said last week that it had recommended that the owners not accept the offer.

“With this offer we are giving Tre Kronor shareholders the opportunity to realize their investment and the recommendation from the Tre Kronor Board of Directors is proof that the offer is attractive to all Tre Kronor shareholders. Together with our owner, Tredje AP-fonden, we are building a leading player in commercial real estate in the region. North. “

Länsförsäkringar Fondförvaltning, which controls nearly 7.9 percent of the shares in Tre Kronor, and Citifa, which controls roughly 9.6 percent of the shares, has stated that it intends to accept the offer on the condition that Svenska Handelsfastigheter does not match the offer.

The completion of Trophi of the offer is conditional, among other things, of the acceptance of the offer by the shareholders to such an extent that Trophi becomes the owner of more than 90 percent.

The deadline for accepting the offer is expected to start May 12, 2021 and end June 2, 2021.

Trophy describes himself as the largest Nordic property owner of grocery stores operating in Sweden and Finland. Trophi is owned by Third AP Fund.

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