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About 350 million SEK to KI from the Cancer Foundation

About 350 million SEK to KI from the Cancer Foundation

In total, the Cancer Foundation distributes SEK 900 million to more than 230 research projects. In the selection process, the Cancer Foundation allows all research projects to compete with each other, regardless of the type of cancer and research method. The research committee of the Norwegian Cancer Fund then evaluates the projects that have the greatest chance of achieving successful results.

Project KI received the largest grant

Thomas Hilday in Department of Oncology – Pathology10,000,000 SEK was awarded to a radiotherapy project entitled “Improving radiotherapy using DNA damage response, repair inhibitors and steroids”.

Bear Lind in Department of Clinical Research and Education, SodersjochhusetSEK 8,000,000 was awarded to a radiotherapy project titled “Swedish participation in the international STAR-TReC trial (Can we save the rectum with watchful waiting or subsequent transanal surgery (chemotherapy) versus total resection of the rectum in early rectal cancer?) “.

Camila Czen in the institution Medical epidemiology and biostatistics SEK 7.5 million was awarded to the project with the English title: “Identification of women at increased risk of fatal breast cancer”.

Read the full news and see the full list of funding awarded on the Cancer Foundation’s website.

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