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A small sign of rationality in American politics

A small sign of rationality in American politics

leader It didn’t turn into the red wave many thought, but it still stands and influences Senate elections. The midterm elections, however, may have shown that Trump’s time in politics is soon over.

It must be very boring being president of the United States. Yes, not because the job itself is boring. It seems in many ways to be both attractive and motivating to hold the title of the strongest man in the world.
But the force also appears to be more than legitimately fleeting.

In principle, the same pattern is repeated every time a new president is elected. It will be two years. Then, in the midterm elections for Congress, the majority of voters decide to vote for the representatives of the other party, and because of the separation of powers system in the United States, the Senate and the House of Representatives can then block most of the president’s initiatives. Above all, what will remain is foreign policy, which is in the hands of the president to a greater extent than other issues.

In many states, the Republican majority in recent years has worked hard to make it more difficult to go and vote

In the midterm elections, a similar loss was predicted for the Democrats. Dissatisfaction with the economy, prices and high inflation caused many to speak of a “red wave,” meaning Republicans would sweep most of the seats they were ready to grab. There was no red wave. In fact, Democrats have fared better than most polls indicated. But in the House of Representatives, where states have seats relative to their population, Republicans get a majority. The latter, at the time of writing, still weighs heavily. Just as it happened in the presidential election two years ago, it will be decided in Georgia in a few weeks.

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A brief respite for Joe Biden, then. It is almost strange that such a loss, in light of what usually happens to the party of incumbent presidents, is now analyzed as a victory.

But of course, the election still shows that something may have gone wrong in American politics. The Donald Trump-backed candidates generally fared slightly worse than expected. And the only person who could challenge Trump for the Republican presidential nomination in two years’ time, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, scored a big win, though Trump mocked him at least as much as the former president blown his hair during the election. Campaign.

For a long time, it seemed that Trump’s peculiar style of leadership and his murderous Democratic attempt to steal Biden’s 2020 electoral victory did not affect his popularity. Internally in the party, he consolidated his position and outperformed many critics.

Now the Republicans have held their midterm elections uniquely weak and votes will rise because Trump’s time in politics is over. It won’t stop him from promoting, but it will undoubtedly be two interesting years.

Regardless, the Democrats clearly did not do their homework.

They must now find a political platform that can engage voters and get more people to go to the polls. After all, it’s a fact that Republicans are benefiting from low voter turnout, and in many states, Republican majorities have worked hard in recent years to make going and voting more difficult. In the midterm elections, many thought storming the Capitol would be such an issue, but it didn’t play a major role in the electoral debate. Another strong case for Democrats has been attempts to restrict abortion rights. It was also mobilizing, but perhaps not in the way Democrats had hoped.

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That was not enough with Biden’s ambitious climate program or the largest public investment since the 1930s.

They also need to produce a presidential candidate who can win elections. Joe Biden still says he plans to run in two years, even though 70 percent of voters in polls said they’d prefer to see another Democrat as a candidate. It remains to be seen how this thing develops. Now, after all, there seems to be some hope that the majority of American voters have difficulty imagining another four years with Trump in the White House.

But I, on the other hand, was pretty sure he wouldn’t win either in 2016.