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‘Zombie ice’ could raise sea levels by 27 cm

‘Zombie ice’ could raise sea levels by 27 cm

In a new study published in Nature Climate Change, glaciologists conclude that regardless of future fossil emissions, current global warming will mean a significant rise in sea level, according to reports. AP.

The researchers estimate that the melt means a sea level rise of 27.4 cm and they believe this is due to something called “zombie ice”. It is ice that is no longer replenished by glaciers and will inevitably melt.

– It’s dead ice. It will melt and disappear from the ice sheet, William Colgan, one of the study’s authors and a glaciologist, said in an interview.

Above all, the Greenland ice sheet is the biggest cause of the swelling of the world’s oceans.

– No matter what climate scenario we take now, this ice will be sent out to sea.

Danger: sea levels could rise by 78 cm

Although it is not possible to establish an exact time frame, it is estimated that most of the change will occur by the year 2100.

This means that today’s expectations underestimate the dangers of the next century. Sea level rise over time is inundating wild areas that are today home to hundreds of millions of people.

It’s a conservative minimum, Jason Books, lead author and researcher at the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, tells AFP.

If future annual snowmelt is as high as the record year 2012, sea level could rise by as much as 78 centimeters, according to the study.

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