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Where does fat disappear during weight loss?  We have the answer!

Where does fat disappear during weight loss? We have the answer!

To the left, female feet stepping on the scales.  On the right, a woman is sitting.

Not everyone knows where the fat goes during weight loss. It is said that you “burn” fat, but what does this term actually mean? And how to lose weight in the healthiest way possible? We have the answers.

aTT Weight loss is trendy and nothing new. New diets are being talked about left and right — and which form of exercise is the most effective at burning fat the most.

When asked where the fat disappears during weight loss, the vast majority answer that it turns into energy, heat or muscle. Some believe that fats leave the body through the intestines with feces. But this is not the case.

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This happens when we lose weight

Fat is not converted into muscle heat – but it is removed from the body by breathing. Thus it is converted to carbon dioxide and water. You breathe in carbon dioxide, while water mixes in your body and comes out with sweat and urine.

If you lose 10 kg of your weight after that, 8.4 kg will leave the body through the lungs – the remaining 1.6 kg will be converted into water, study As did Australian research duo Robin Merman and Andrew Brown.

Then you can start training again

Is it possible to accelerate weight loss by regulating breathing?

The answer to this question is no. You can’t try to breathe faster in order to “get more fat out”. It could potentially make you feel dizzy or cause you to hyperventilate.

The only thing you can do to control weight loss is to exercise and be in a calorie deficit – that is, eat fewer calories and burn more.

Sources: WellnessAnd the Swedish YleAnd the I feel good.

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