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Webinar on changes in EU-UK trade

Webinar on changes in EU-UK trade

Do you need additional information on new requirements in trade between the EU and the UK?

Much changed when Britain left the EU single market and customs on 1 January 2021. The Trade and Cooperation Agreement, which ended on Christmas Eve 2020, did not change the single market, but created many new practices that affect trade travel, exports and imports. Goods and services.

Together with various partners and the British Embassy in Finland, the Foreign Ministry is organizing four webinars to handle new practices in trade.

Webinars provide an overview of changes and new requirements. They are specifically targeted at companies that are already trading or planning to export and import.

Webinars are organized every Tuesday in May at 9.00. Write the time on the calendar now!

May 4, 2021: Exports of goods from the European Union to the United Kingdom

The first webinar focuses on exporting goods to the UK. We review customs clearance, value-added taxation, the use of duty-free and non-quota trade (origin rules) and product approval and compliance with requirements in the UK.

May 11, 2021: Imports of goods from the UK to the EU

The second webinar deals with the import of industrial and agricultural products from the United Kingdom. We address customs procedures, the use of duty-free and non-quota processing (rules of origin), value-added tax on imports and compliance of products with EU requirements.

May 18, 2021: Exporting and importing services to the UK and e-commerce

The third is about trading in webinar services, and we see the effects on exports and imports of stopping unrestricted trade in services. What should be considered when exporting and importing digital services? What will happen to VAT? What effects does Brexit have on the financial market?

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May 25, 2021: Entrance permit for business activities

Webinar covers entry requirements for business travelers to Finland and the United Kingdom. Can a specialist travel on a business trip only on the basis of a visa discount or require a residence permit or work permit?

Links to webinars’ detailed programs and events will be posted on this page shortly. Events are also recorded and can be viewed later.

If there are any questions we would like to address during the webinar, You can send them in advance This form.