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Warning – the British boom could be more deadly

Warning – the British boom could be more deadly

Sweden closed its borders to prevent the British boom from spreading. Despite this, about 20 percent of corona injuries in Sweden are now affected by the variable.

Studies from the United States show that the mutation has spread to at least 82 countries and is 40 percent more contagious than the Wuhan variant.

The British alternative is much more lethal

Last month, researchers said there was a risk that the mutation is not only contagious, but also more deadly. Surveys by the British government now show that this is also the case.

Study has Fully published On the UK government website.

It is not clear why the alternative is more lethal, but one theory is that virus sizes are higher. This makes the mutation more contagious – and harder to treat.

Researchers are now trying to understand the increased risk of death, and whether the study results are influenced by the fact that the mutation appears to be easier to spread in settings such as nursing homes. This requires more studies.

“I really think the results are correct, but there are still some things that we need to understand,” Moog Sieved, an infectious disease expert at the University of St Andrews in Scotland, told the New York Times.

Read more: Sweat, fear, lack of oxygen – this is virus warfare from within
Read more: WHO warns of “vaccine nationalism”

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