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Team Sports Formation – Three of the players who have opted for the extension are Niko Hovenen, Valtteri Viljanin and John Vertanin |  Sports

Team Sports Formation – Three of the players who have opted for the extension are Niko Hovenen, Valtteri Viljanin and John Vertanin | Sports

The Hockey League Sport Hockey League is looking to go to the playoffs even though the team is currently under quarantine with Corona for two weeks. During the quarantine, the club management seized the opportunity to build a team next year.

On Friday, two decades were submitted to the attack when Jonne Virtanen and Jesse Paukku decided to continue in the sport. Virtanen contract for a year and Paukkus contract for two years.

Paukku played in the sport for four years and is presenting his best season in the league. In 49 matches he scored 10 + 18 = 28 points.

– Sports director Marcus Jamsa said that Jesse is a versatile player, and in recent years he has performed well in various roles. On the club website.

Jonne Virtanen on Ice.

On Vaasa, they were delighted with Jonne Virtanen’s efforts.
Jonne Virtanen on Ice.
Photo: Mikko Leary / Press around
John Vertanin

Sect player Jonne Virtanen makes her first season at Vaasa.

– He is an important player in the locker room and also contributes to the ice with his leadership qualities. The start of the season was excellent. During the spring, Jamsa said he faced some challenges that were starting to become a thing of the past.

Hence, the successful Virtanen series will remain the same for the next season as well. It is already clear that Swede Sebastian Stalberg will continue to sport.

New goalkeeper contracts

On Tuesday, Sport newspaper announced that goalkeepers Niko Hovenen and Rasmus Regula would remain at the club. Hovinen contract for two years and Reijola for one year.

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Above all, Hovinen was at the cutting edge. The 33-year-old Cage Keeper has a save rate of 92.40 and 2.04 goals conceded per match.

– The entire goalkeeping team worked very well with goalkeeper coach Tommy Satosari and we definitely wanted to continue with the same team, Sports director Marcos Yamsa said on the club’s website.

Valtteri Viljanen continues

On Wednesday, two decades late were introduced. Both contracts are for one year.

The sporting director of Jamsa was satisfied above all with the Villianin contract. The 27-year-old Hill, who will start his fourth season in sports this fall, is the team’s strongest attacking piece in the hill crew. This season it was 6 + 13 = 19 points in 44 games.

– It is nice that Villianin wants to continue with Vasa. He is making progress with us and we think there is room for further development, SA Jamsa.

Sports in quarantine

After infection with Corona in sports, the team remains in quarantine until the beginning of April.

The average score will determine which ten teams reach the playoffs. Tian Sport has 1.38 points, eleven HPK 1.21 and twelve points 1.20.

The main series ends on Tuesday, April 13th.

Niko Huvenin
Rasmus Regula

Alexei Makela
Valtery Villanin
Victor Westermark

Attacking players:
Santeri Harala
Jesse Bauco
Eric Resca
Sebastian Stalberg
Rob Tlaga
Olavi Vohkonen
John Vertanin