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Västernorrland Region – My cancer care plan makes it easier for the patient

Anna Milkerhead, call nurse standing in the pantry with my cancer care plan file

Liaison nurse Anna Melkerhead is working with one of the new digital care plans in the Support and Treatment Programme, which can be found at The care plan is called My Cancer Care Plan and it makes it easier for breast cancer patients during their treatment.

It’s a new way to connect with care for those patients who want digital connectivity rather than phone calls and physical meetings.

The possibility of a digital care plan has now been in existence in the Västernorrland region for about a year, and contact nurse Anna Melkerhed has been involved from the start.

“It’s a good way for our patients to access their personalized care plan when it suits them and at their own pace,” says Anna Melkerhead.

Anna and colleague Malin Lang meet patients diagnosed with cancer after mammograms. Nurse Call can then start a personalized digital care plan for each patient.

– It really makes it easier for the patient and it becomes a lot smoother for us to contact the nurses as well. We’re getting fewer phone calls some days these days, says Anna.

Quick response to the patient

Many people think that the messaging feature is good. There, the patient can ask questions, submit their health assessment, and get a prompt response and treatment advice.

– Sometimes there can be almost too much information, but they don’t have to wait in line and get callback time via teleQ, which is a good service, says Anna Melkerhed.

The digital future

Anna believes that the service will develop gradually. Bank ID is still required to log in, so whether patients have it or not varies.

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– I think more and more people will go digital when it comes to healthcare contacts if we develop quality services within the region. Then there will always be some people who prefer a dial-up, but that’s also perfectly fine, of course, Anna concludes.