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Vaccine success in the UK

Vaccine success in the UK

The vaccination program is rolling out in the UK. The number of affected wrinkles and deaths is increasingly rare.

A new study now shows that the vaccine has a significant impact on the spread of the virus in the country. Of the 74,405 coronary heart disease patients treated between September and March, only 32 were vaccinated, according to the report. Daily Mail.

Currently, 1,973 people are being cared for in hospitals – a significant difference from the 39,249 people admitted earlier this year. The number of new cases in the country is also declining. 50,000 new cases a day in January, currently around 2,500.

These are the lowest figures since September 6th.

“We must learn to live with disease”

In a speech to the nation on Tuesday, Boris Johnson said the vaccination program “makes a big difference” and that the “cautious but irreversible” program will continue.

“We know the vaccination program makes a big difference – it reduces suffering and saves lives, on a massive scale,” he told a news conference.

At the same time, he pointed out that the protective effect is still uncertain and that the epidemic is still a fact.

– Researchers in the country are still convinced that a new wave is coming in the country. So, as we do with others, we must learn to live with this disease as much as possible.

The Prime Minister also revealed that from this autumn, the British can provide medicine for home treatment. The hope is that this will help stop new types of viruses.

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To date, just over 33 million Britons have received the first vaccine, and the second more than 10 million.

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