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Unlimited free storage vanishes on Google Photos – that’s it

Unlimited free storage vanishes on Google Photos – that’s it

In a week, Tuesday 1 June, your unlimited free storage on Google Photos will end. All photos and videos uploaded to the service before June 1 It does not take up space It does not count towards users’ storage quota.

Therefore, it is a good idea to make backups this week, for those who, for example, have old photos that have not yet been saved to the photos. Google has adapted the service to the change. The This page Shows an estimate of how long it will take users before they run out of storage space, based on their download habits.

Google offers 15 GB of free storage by default. When space is running low, users will be notified via email. The company has also started sending out a kind of disk cleaner in the Photos app.

This feature helps users to free up space by suggesting photos and videos for deletion, such as unusually large video files, screenshots, or blurry photos. The latest update is that “High Quality”, as the free backup was so far named, has been renamed “Storage Provider”.

The name change has been implemented to reduce the risk of misunderstanding. Even after June 1, you can choose between uploading the original or equivalent zip files. The advantage of compressing is simply that files take up less space, not that storage is unlimited as before.

Existing Pixel phones are excluded from the new rules, which will be able to use a Storage Provider to download an unlimited number of videos and photos for free even after June 1. For those who want to leave more gigabytes of photos, the idea is to delete unnecessary files and emails, on Drive and Gmail respectively. How it works is described In this article.

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Google also offers relatively cheap rates Extended Storage In the clouds. Getting 100 GB costs 190 SEK a year, while 200 GB costs 290 SEK a year Those who want a full 2 ​​TB have to pay 999 SEK a year.