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Uber adds aircraft, trains, buses and rental cars to its processor.  The hotel also plans to offer bookings in the future.

Uber adds aircraft, trains, buses and rental cars to its processor. The hotel also plans to offer bookings in the future.

Uber in the UK will now add the ability for their users to book travel by air, train or bus, and the ability to book rental cars on the Uber processor. In the future, the company also aims to include the possibility of booking hotels in its application.

The idea behind this is that Uber’s application will serve as a global application for all types of travel, says Uber’s British Manager Jamie Heywood. However, Uber does not handle traffic by air, rail or bus. Instead, these services are provided by other companies that have started Uber collaborations in the UK. Howd tells CNBC:

“You have been able to book rides, bikes, ferry services and scooters for many years on the Uber processor, so adding trains and boxes is a natural improvement.

It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post.

Internet services,

uber, travel utility, transport utility, uk

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