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Turkey changes name – does not want to combine with turkey

Turkey changes name – does not want to combine with turkey

In December, the name change was set in motion when President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called on the public to use Turkey to describe his country in all languages. Companies were instructed to change the labeling of exports from “Made in Turkey” (Made in Swedish to Turkish) to “Made in Turkey”.

“The best representation and best expression of the culture, civilization and values ​​of the Turkish people,” the president said. Middle Eastern eye.

Many English language media Following the invitation in the country and on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, visitors to the Republic of Turkey are now welcome. Companies have also done as the president said and changed the labeling of export goods Swedish radios Correspondent for the Middle East and Turkey.

An article from it State-owned Turkish television company TRT Explains why the name change is important, and writes the current international country name entrant as “numerous pictures, articles, and definitions that mix the country with turkey – a great bird served for Christmas and Thanksgiving dinner.” .

It is customary for US President Joe Biden to apologize to two turkeys before thanking them.  This particular turkey is called peanut butter.

It is customary for US President Joe Biden to apologize to two turkeys before thanking them. This particular turkey is called peanut butter.

Photo: Susan Walsh / AP

TRT does not think chaos is glorious and adds a negative connotation of turkey to proverbs and parables. “Browse through the Cambridge Glossary, ‘turkey’ is defined as ‘a big failure’ or ‘a fool or a stupid person’,” the article continues.

There are many theories Why the English name of Turkey is similar to the name of the turkey – a bird that originated in North America.

Merchants in Constantinople (now Istanbul) in the 16th century may have first sent turkeys from the United States and then to Britain. Birds were named turkey roosters, later abbreviated as turkey, he writes Public Service NPR of the United States In an article from 2008.

According to another theory, guinea fowl were imported from West Africa to Britain from Constantinople. When the British later migrated from their homeland to North America, when they saw the turkeys, they were named after what they called the guinea fowl – the turkey rooster at home.

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