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This week’s internationals for Team Sweden

This week’s internationals for Team Sweden

– The international tournament season is in full swing, with national team players in two international tournaments this weekend. Some skaters are now making their international season debut and it will be exciting to follow them this weekend and see how they do in international competition, says Swedish Figure Skating Association sports director Anna Barvall.

In Budapest, Hungary, the Challenger tournament Budapest Trophy was decided with a big Swedish team on site. Gabriel Folkesen makes his senior men’s first international of the season, where he is joined by Caspar Johansson and Jonathan Egyptsson, both making their first career international starts as seniors. Among the senior women, Sweden is represented by Julia Brow, who, like Miranda Lundgren, is making her international season debut in the women’s junior class. Josephine Proval also competes in the junior girls. Ice dance duo Milla Ruud Reidn and Nikolaj Majorov begin their second competition together in Budapest. On site in Budapest is Åsa Nordback, who has been selected as a judge.

At the same time, the Tayside Trophy begins in British Dundee, where junior and national team debutant Alexandra Ödman makes her first start in the national team jersey. On site in Dundee is Oliver Pretorius, who makes his first international start of the season.

Follow the Swedish riders at the Budapest Trophy and Tayside Trophy!

Budapest Trophy

Tayside Trophy

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