Tired of the Lightning connector? A Swiss engineering student developed a soldering iron and replaced it with a USB c.
Despite the fact that all other mobile phone manufacturers have adopted USB C, Apple stubbornly sticks to its own Lightning connectors. currently Even the EU is tired.
The person who took matters into his own hands is Swiss Ken Bellonel who studies robotics at the Technical University of Lausanne. He took out the soldering iron and changed the contact on his Iphone.
Its prototype can handle both charging and data transfer via USB c, but so far the design doesn’t fit into the body of a mobile phone.
Practically speaking, Pillonel has moved from the type of Lightning cable to USB cables sold by Apple and third-party manufacturers. He successfully freed the control circuit on the Lightning portion of the wire, and incorporated it into the construction of his home.
In the next step, he wants to try to compress his architecture, which will require him, among other things, to reverse engineer an Apple control circuit. If all goes well, he hopes in the long run to be able to build the entire chassis into a mobile phone chassis.
If you want to see how he did it, you can watch the video below.
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