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This is how politicians make sure the restrictions are released – two that are not yet fully vaccinated

This is how politicians make sure the restrictions are released – two that are not yet fully vaccinated

Because of the release of restrictions and life, in principle, back to how it was before the pandemic, we asked three questions to the prominent politicians in each party in the municipality.

The following questions were asked:

* How do you see the issuance of restrictions?

* What is the thing you most look forward to doing?

* Have you been fully vaccinated?

Jacob Kahl, Center Party:

* It is good that they are released. Good for many companies and for many who have been forced to feel lonely. But at the same time, I see that we must continue to take responsibility as individuals and as employers. The infection hasn’t gone away, so I think it’s still important to keep going in and out.

* Start meeting more often, whether at work or in private.

* Yes.

Helen Nelson, Democratic Socialists:

* I think we are in a much better position now than before when about 70 percent were vaccinated. But of course it seems a little strange after such a long period of restrictions. It is certainly a valid and welcome assessment and much needed, not least in business and associations. We must help together and with reason and personal responsibility back to normal. However, I hope that more people will want to be vaccinated so that we can get rid of the epidemic. For my part, I don’t mind getting vaccination cards if needed.

* It would be nice if we meet physically and not just digitally in politics and meetings. Going to prom wouldn’t be that stupid. I already have tickets that have been rebooked twice. Before the outbreak of the epidemic, I had planned a trip to Tuscany, but I would probably have to wait. Travel seems a little early to me. The daily normal is good enough, and I’m looking forward to it.

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* Yes, I have received the vaccination.

Mary Nicholson, The Moderates:

*I think it’s great to release restrictions, but unfortunately I also think there is a risk of a relapse. I hope people continue to use their good judgment.

*My son and I went to London to celebrate the Six Years Challenge that was finally over. He is now eight years old, but we are still looking forward to the journey and have followed developments in the UK throughout the pandemic.

* I am fully catering.

Jimmy Rudin, Swedish Democrats:

* mixed feelings. The virus is still there and that’s not over yet. But it is great that largely weakened industries have the opportunity to return to some form of the new normal.

*I am very much looking forward to the fact that we can finally hold our membership meeting.

*No, I have not received all the injections yet.

Are you waiting for your second dose?

* Yes, I am waiting.

Ola Gustafson, Christian Democrats:

*I feel divided about it. On the one hand, we need to return to some kind of normalization at some point, and for many companies and associations, this time has meant great difficulties. At the same time, we see that there is still a spread of infection and that some people are seriously ill. I am somehow concerned about the effect of the restrictions being removed on the spread of the infection. The openness of society places a great responsibility on both regulators of various kinds and on all of us as individual citizens. It is still important to stay home if you have symptoms.

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*I look forward to meeting people I’ve only seen on one screen in the last year. Although restrictions have been relaxed somewhat this summer, I look forward to being able to participate as a spectator at sports matches and concerts and as participants in political rallies and a life of worship with many others and not just in small groups. I hope to still be able to avoid contexts where it is not possible to maintain a reasonably contagious distance.

* Yes!

Lars Johansson, Left Party:

*It is of course good that the entire community can get back to normal before the pandemic, not least a huge relief for many businesses. Then it will probably contribute to the further spread of infection, especially as we go into the fall and winter when we saw such a big increase last year. I hope everyone continues to be vigilant, especially with the symptoms of the disease.

*For my own part, it won’t make much of a difference, but of course there will be some additional restaurant visits and some hotels staying later this fall.

*I was supposed to have my second dose this week but had to postpone due to cold symptoms.