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The UK will offer two free Govt-19 trials a week to all citizens of the country

The UK will offer two free Govt-19 trials a week to all citizens of the country

The UK government has announced From this Friday it will be available to everyone over the age of 18 Opportunity country to conduct two free and quick tests for Govt-19.

In a statement, officials mentioned it Tests may be performed by asymptomatic individuals, As another step in the strategy of dealing with the epidemic.

“Routine testing is at the heart of programs that reopen the community and the economy, helping to suppress and control the spread of corona virus variants,” he said. “An important step” it “paves the way” Country reopens, highlights Administration by Boris Johnson In writing.

So far, quick tests Available to those at high risk and those leaving home for work, Leading health workers, including nursing home staff and residents, school children and their families.

However, until April 9, Everyone will be given quick tests, With the precedent of encouraging people to stop the expansion and “get back to a more normal lifestyle” routine trials.

According to officials In the UK, one in three people with the corona virus does not experience any symptoms And “you can spread the virus unknowingly”, so by experiments, In the positive case, Victims can be quickly isolated.

Since the introduction of rapid tests in the country, More than 120,000 positives have been identified as “they are not otherwise identified”, The availability of further diagnostic tests of this type “will break the chains of exchange and save lives.”

“We continue to make good progress In our vaccination program and in our road map to mitigate Continuous controls are even more important than caution, and regular quick tests are still important to ensure that those efforts are not wasted. “

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Tests will be provided by the Home Ordering Service, Workplace testing programs, community testing and testing in schools and universities.

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At the moment, the move only affects the UK, Since the authorities of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland Sky News reports that they will make their own decisions.

The UK recorded this Sunday About 2,200 new corona virus infections and a dozen deaths More than 31.5 million people have already received at least one dose of the Govit-19 vaccine in the last 24 hours.