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The Golden Horse is on the way to recovery after a serious injury

The Golden Horse is on the way to recovery after a serious injury

when? The European Championship continues until Sunday. The team competition ends on Friday. The singles final will take place on Sunday.

where? In the German Riesenbeck’s competition facility, four-time Olympic gold medalist Ludger Beerbaum.

A double message of joy to Fox

Two weeks ago, current European Champion Martin Fox injured the Golden Horse of 2019 on the grasslands. Clooney slipped and fell and seriously injured his bow.

The horse was taken to a veterinary clinic in Zurich, and during the early days it was uncertain whether the horse would survive. However, Clooney slowly but surely improved, and on Wednesday Martin Fox received a sick call from the clinic.

Clooney was out in the morning and walked a few steps out of the box. It was, of course, a great comfort to hear that. I was very happy, Martin Fox told SVT.

Most likely, however, the horse racing career is over, and at the European Championships, Martin Fox is riding a new horse, nine-year-old Leon J. This is the horse’s first tournament but the debut bodes well. In the leap of time, Martin Fox and Leonie Gay came in fifth after a fast and flawless ride.

Flawless after failing at the Olympics

With Peder Fredricson and All In clearing the last hurdle in the base round for the team final at the Olympics, it opened the door for France.

As the last jockey, France’s Penelope Librevost could have taken France’s Olympic gold when she and horse Vancouver de Lanlor came as the last team.

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But it didn’t end at all as she had hoped. The Vancouver de Lanlor horse was not at all in equilibrium and after two rejections the crew was disqualified, and Penelope Librevost was disappointed and heartbroken afterwards.

In the European Championships, she competed with the horse Gfe Excalibur de la Tour Vidal and this time she rode for first place in the team. Leprevost gave France a good start with a flawless ride, albeit not so fast.

After the first round, France finished fifth with 9.15 errors. Sweden leads with 3.59 errors.

Tough start for UK youth

Great Britain chose to give the opportunity to four young and promising riders in the European Championships. The four got off to a rough start in their first tournament and didn’t finish twelfth place until after the first round. However, a lot can still happen.

Happening on Friday

On Friday, the second round of team jumping will be decided, which is also an individual qualifier.

The second round is a 1.60 jump where time is not critical. The only requirement is that the crew can handle the maximum time. The top 10 of the 15 teams starting after the first two rounds advance to the team’s third and decisive round on Friday.