Boundary bets in the next part.
border come along sad news Whoever thinks so F1 Manager 2022 It needs more love from programmers: the next update will be the last.
This unexpected – and unwanted – decision is justified by the fact that the company’s resources are required to do so F1 Manager 2023. After all, the 22nd was the beginning of a game series, and Frontier seems to think the current game is clean enough to redirect resources to the next.
This next update for F1 Manager 2022 will be the last significant update addressing player-reported feedback, or suggested changes and additions. Any potential updates after that will be minor patches that don’t significantly affect gameplay. To ensure that upcoming F1 Manager projects achieve their potential and meet the expectations of both our team and community, the focus of the entire development team must move to projects beyond F1 Manager 2022, following this upcoming update.
But the comment thread on Reddit, where the announcement was made, doesn’t think so. People are disappointed that many bugs and requests will not be fixed. But a major patch has not yet been released, and it includes a bunch of changes. The developers also promise that they intend to release smaller patches to fix broken things if they appear in the future.
This was included in the latest update:
Our team is currently working on an update for F1 Manager 2022 that addresses more topics reported by the player. This includes multiple visual updates for the car models of the official F1 teams. We’ve further differentiated their appearance by implementing some key characteristics of many teams’ designs for 2022, including auto parts and pellets. Also, we’re making positive changes regarding fuel usage issues during qualifying sessions, and we’re adjusting instances of incorrect “estimated race time” calculations, among other improvements.
F1 Manager 2022 It was released in August, and it has decent reviews (Metacritic average ranges between 74 and 80, depending on the platform). Steam buyers are more satisfied, 73% give positive feedback and the average is “mostly positive”. Now how long does it last…
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