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The Daunte Wrigth family wonders about a fatal shooting accident

The Daunte Wrigth family wonders about a fatal shooting accident

Donty Wright, a 20-year-old black man, was arrested for a traffic offense in Brooklyn Center, a Minneapolis suburb, on Sunday. When the police discovered he was wanted, they tried to arrest him, but he got into the car again and the police opened fire.

City Police Chief Tim Ganon said Monday that police intend to withdraw their electric weapon – not their pistol – and that the fatal shooting appeared to be a mistake. He has since resigned.

The police shot Wright He was arrested on Wednesday and suspected of having committed “second degree manslaughter,” which in Sweden can be compared to the serious cause of another person’s death or possibly murder.

On Thursday, I appeared in court for the first time. The judge ordered her not to use firearms or explosives. She was released on bail of $ 100,000, according to Reuters.

Police risk ten years in prison and a $ 20,000 fine. The next date for negotiations is May 17th.

The Donut Wright family outside the Baptist Church.

The Donut Wright family outside the Baptist Church.

Photo: Pontus Hook

The media presence was large When the family held a press conference at the Baptist Church on Thursday. The mood was calm and Father Aubrey Wright had been holding his arm around his mom Katie Wright almost the whole time.

Katie Wright said she expects the police to be 100 percent responsible for their actions.

– Even if that happened, we would still bury our son. We will never be able to meet our little boy again. There will be no justice for us.

Downy Wright’s aunt Nisha Wright gave a crying speech, saying her nephew didn’t deserve to die that way. I uploaded a picture of an electric stun gun and a pistol to show how different they looked.

– This is an electric taser. But my nephew was killed by this guy, Glock, she said.

Lawyer for the family, Ben Cromb She described the police investigation as a step forward. It is believed that they are starting to see a change in the United States.

I want to tell the protesters, the young activists, that they are making a difference. Minneapolis and Minnesota are the starting points for change.

At the same time, he suspected that the police had weapons in the first place.

– There was no need to use an electric stun gun. They knew the identity, and they knew how to hold it.

It is believed that the police used excessive force and that it was difficult for the family to accept that this would be an accident when the police shooting had 26 years in the profession.

Why do they do this to blacks? It has fatal consequences for us and our children.

Read more:

Police resign after the Minnesota shooting death – until the sheriff stops

An accident shot dead in a school in the United States

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