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The cool company is on the rise – 116% growth in the UK

The cool company is on the rise – 116% growth in the UK

– And 78 percent more freelancers will join the UK by 2022

Cool Company Group’s strong growth streak continues in August. In Great Britain, growth of 116 percent was reported, while the influx of new freelancers increased by nearly 78 percent over the year. The entire company has grown by 28 percent compared to the same period last year.

Freelance company Cool Company has a long and strong track record of operations in the UK. August 2022 is no exception and the growth reaches 116 percent. The company’s great success in Great Britain is due, among other things, to a large increase in users over the year. Since the beginning of the year, nearly 78 percent more freelancers have joined the Cool Company compared to the same period last year. Additionally, freelancers are invoicing more this year, with the value of invoices sent in the UK increasing by 26 per cent.

Most users in the UK are active in industries such as business, construction and education. Also, these are the fastest growing industries in 2022 so far. When it comes to the most common freelance occupations in the UK, management consulting tops the list, followed by educational planners and construction workers.

– We see that the solution we offer in UK is working, more people are joining us and freelancers are making more profit. This shows that we are already doing the right things at the moment, while we are very much planning for our continued growth in the UK,” says Jonny Simonson, Cool Company’s CFO.

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Strong growth for the entire Cool Company team
The Cool Company Group continues to grow, and as of the end of August, the company can say it has grown by 28 percent compared to the same period last year. In Sweden, growth reached 20 percent and in Norway the increase compared to August last year reached 84 percent. For the cool company’s B2B operations, strong figures are shown for another month and growth reaches 59 percent in August compared to August 2021.

– In general, we are growing steadily month-on-month in all markets. We have insight into what different markets need and adapt our solution accordingly. In addition, we have enough muscle for our business customers to take action outside of Sweden, says Johnny Simonsson.