The ‘Ledstjärna’ award for 2021 has been awarded to Nina Hanser, colorectal surgeon at Örebro University Hospital, as the Örebro County District Superintendent who distinguished herself as ‘a very good and suitable Superintendent of District Physician Assistant’. Every year since 2008, Sylf Örebro has given this supervisor award.

The motivation behind the award is: “Nina is incredibly committed and sees the big picture in the medical and personal spheres. It sets high standards but is very fair. You can trust her feedback: she will not pat her on the back unnecessarily and will always tell you how to improve. In addition, she is a warm personality who cares and wants the best for those she supervises. You find solutions in all situations and want to help one develop professionally and as a human being. Simply awesome teacher!
Self-Orebro also awards a “Randningspokalen” award to the clinic within the Orebro County area that, during the year, was the best out-of-the-box clinic in the Specialty Service. The 2021 Randning Cup winner is the Vascular Surgery Clinic.
Motivation: »A welcoming, holistic clinic from the moment you set foot there. The educational climate is good, open to questions and discussion. Their enthusiasm and commitment is so contagious! A very nice, knowledgeable bunch who deserve an award.”
“Extreme tv maven. Beer fanatic. Friendly bacon fan. Communicator. Wannabe travel expert.”
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