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Terrible news for Princess Margaret in England |  Swedish girl

Terrible news for Princess Margaret in England | Swedish girl

Princess Margaret had a hard time in England, where restrictions and closures abounded. Now the princess will face another setback.

For 57 years, the King’s older sister, Princess Margaret, has lived in England. She is not interested in royal attention. In the village where she lives, just outside the city of Chipping Norton, about ten miles from London, only her closest neighbors know that she is a Swedish princess.

Princess Margaretha lives in England during epidemics

Although she wants to keep a low profile, it has reached a new level during epidemics because the UK is one of the most affected countries.

– Margaretha lives in “wonderful solitude” in her British little village, and her sons Ed and James are so cute and help her with things she needs, one of her acquaintances told the Swedish woman this spring.

A month ago, most of the restrictions in the country were lifted and gradually returned to normal. The British were at the forefront of the controls, so Princess Margaretha was probably one of the most fully vaccinated.


Jonas Xtremer / DT

The new virus variant could infect Princess Margaret

But now the country and other parts of the world are likely to face another setback. Since the outbreak of Covit-19, the virus has evolved into various variants, and now new ones have been discovered, which contribute to the re-emergence of the infection and the risk of a new wave.

– In many countries that are more advanced in vaccination than Sweden, they have seen a sharp increase in the incidence of the disease in recent times. Among other things, I think of Israel, the United Kingdom, and the United States, says Dove Fall, professor of molecular epidemiology at Uppsala University. SVT News.

Princess Margareta – Not going to Sweden since 2018

According to Licarditningen The new virus variant can also affect those who have been fully vaccinated. And British I message It is hoped that new controls may be introduced if the spread of infection becomes too high and care becomes too high.

This means that Princess Margaretha will have to wait longer before reuniting with her family. The last time we saw Princess Madeleine was when her youngest daughter, Adrienne, was baptized in June 2018 at Castle Church in Trottingham.

Photo: TT

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