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Technology cooperation is the way to benefit the United States

Technology cooperation is the way to benefit the United States

The relief after Joe Biden’s election victory last year was great across Europe after four years of chaos with Donald Trump.

But nearly a year after the presidential election, we can see that relief has turned into disappointment.

Joe Biden has largely continued his predecessor’s protectionist trade policy while maintaining tariffs.

He is also accused of withholding relevant information from the European Union prior to departing from Afghanistan and launching Aukus’ recent cooperation with the United Kingdom and Australia.

In the wake of disappointment The growing demands for “strategic independence” within the European Union have been narrow, which in this context means lessening the dependence of security policy on the USA.

This is not a good idea. Being nervous and turning inward doesn’t solve any problems, neither when it comes to security or commerce.

EU countries should certainly increase their defense funding, but at the same time continue to seek cooperation with the United States where we have common interests.

This does not apply to the relationship with China at least, an issue to which Joe Biden places a high priority. The president was also clear that he favored China’s confrontation with allies.

But unlike previous major political battles, the United States does not appear to be very interested in Allied soldiers, sailors, or combat aircraft.

Conversely, the White House is increasingly demanding cooperation on technology, standards, and securing value chains. This is an important component of Quad cooperation with Japan, India and Australia. The same applies to the Aukus Charter.

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White House Preparation understandable. The confrontation with China is not expected to be fought by military means, but by trade, culture, and above all technology.

The player who controls technological development globally will have an economic, military and political advantage in the future.

The fact is that China has not recently come close to the United States and the Western world in technological terms.

China overtook the United States in 2019 in terms of numbers Patent applications annually and is now a world leader in, among others, 5G, quantum technology, face and voice control and digital payments.

The European Union, which is not one Thus, the heavy weight of security policy becomes an important ally of the United States as a major economic power.

This was confirmed by the White House last week when it sent Secretary of Commerce, Trade Representative and Secretary of State Anthony Blinken to Pittsburgh and the first summit of the new bilateral EU-US Trade and Technology Council.

During the conversations, they came, among other things agree Continued cooperation in the field of cybersecurity, reducing trade barriers, securing access to semiconductors, but also in the development of artificial intelligence standards and other “new” technologies.

Of course, it remains to be seen what TTC can generate in practice. But cooperation undoubtedly represents an opportunity for Brussels – and not only in terms of improving relations with Washington.

If the European Union and the United States manage to find a way to harmonize standards and regulations, it would be very positive for businesses on both continents — not least if it could happen without politicians having to take sensitive words like “free trade agreements” in their mouths.

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In the United States, however Critics who say the divided White House’s rallying of allies is not enough to rule China.

The thesis says it requires a broader US-led platform that unites the world’s leading “technological democracies”. Technological NATO.

interesting idea, launched in 2020 by two former senior State Department officials, is gaining more and more ground.

Huawei’s handling was highlighted as an example of how a lack of coordination between Western countries can fall into the hands of Beijing.

Interestingly, both Sweden and Finland were chosen out of 12 technological democracies that should be part of such a constellation.

cooperation must be And indeed Sweden gets the question, we definitely have to say yes. The Huawei case and its aftermath have clearly demonstrated the danger of a small export-reliant economy facing Beijing alone.

Being outside NATO is another argument for connecting us more to the United States, whenever the opportunity presents itself.

But regardless of whether it is Tech-Nato, TTC or any other grouping, Sweden must always act not to increase the distance between the West and China, which will only aggravate the situation.

China should always be welcomed for its cooperation with the western world on global standards.