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Sweden relaxes entry ban to Denmark and Norway

Sweden relaxes entry ban to Denmark and Norway

Since December and January, Sweden has imposed stricter bans on entry to Denmark and Norway, with some exceptions. As of March 31, the same entry rules will apply as in other countries. What is needed now is a negative test for the Covid-19 virus, which will have passed a maximum of 48 hours.

Travelers are covered by relief which means test age should not exceed 1 week.

Danes and Norwegians can travel to their holiday homes in Sweden, families who live on different sides of the border can meet in Sweden and people who need to pass through Sweden by land can do so. Interior Minister Mikael Dampberg (S) says on condition that the Covid test result appears negative.

The mutations spread in Sweden

The purpose of the ban on private entry was to slow the spread of mutations in the Coronavirus. Then, in December and January respectively, more cases were detected in Denmark and Norway than in Sweden.

Today, the Public Health Agency reported that Sweden has had a proliferation of mutations, not the least of which is that the British variant has spread to both Sweden and our Nordic neighbors in the way that was expected – it will gradually take over, says Michael Dumberg.

The decision is in accordance with a request from the Public Health Agency.

It aligns perfectly with the government’s ambition to introduce responsible easing of entry restrictions, to make it easier for those who live, live and work in our border areas, says Foreign Trade Minister Anna Hallberg (S).

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Difficult demands on the border

However, the borders are still not open to everyone, especially since the Nordic neighbors also have strict entry rules.

I will continue to have a dialogue with my colleagues in the Nordic countries about the remaining challenges, and the travel restrictions that are already creating difficulties and problems, says Anna Hallberg.

The UK also has a special travel ban that expires on March 31. Since the country no longer belongs to the European Union, however, the entry ban remains in effect, unless you are covered by an exemption and the covid-19 test shows negative.

The new decisions are effective until May 31.

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