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Study: The size of a snack determines how much you eat

Study: The size of a snack determines how much you eat

I ate more large salty pretzels

The results showed that people ate the large pastry faster and took larger bites than if a bowl of small pastries was placed in front of them.

The researchers also observed that people who were offered small, salty pretzels ate slower overall, took fewer bites and ate less overall.

When the researchers compared participants' intake of large pretzels with small or medium-sized pretzels, they found that participants consumed 31 percent more of the large pretzels than the smaller pretzels, and participants consumed 22 percent more of the large pretzels compared to the large pretzels. To medium size.

This was consistent with the observation that larger pretzels made people eat faster and take larger bites.

“Our study suggests that food texture—texture, size, and shape—can be used to influence both eating and eating behavior,” explains John Hayes, one of the researchers who conducted the experiment, a professor and director of food science. Sensory Assessment Centre In a press release

He also explains that choosing a specific size when it comes to snack shopping may in the future become a tool to help people eat smaller portions.

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