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Stockholm politicians want to reopen the city after the epidemic

Stockholm politicians want to reopen the city after the epidemic

On Thursday, the government announced that corona restrictions would be extended. In early May, they can be mitigated because the spread of the infection is still very widespread.

However, Stockholm City Councilor Anna Koenig Gerlmir (M) believes it’s time for information on how Sweden and Stockholm can ease restrictions. He wants a timetable for how society can be opened up after the corona epidemic.

– This is something I now demand from the Swedish government: to show leadership, to decide on a clear plan to reopen Sweden, he says.

Anna Conic mentions Gerlmir The UK has reported on how the community should be opened up at different stages over time, but cites Denmark and Norway as examples of countries that have been involved in information on the gradual easing of controls related to the epidemic.

– You have a clear plan that when a certain proportion of the population is vaccinated, you begin to ease controls. They also clearly communicate dates for when to open concerts or to reduce restrictions on meetings and sporting events. In Sweden we lose it, he says.

Finansborgarrådet Anna Conic Gerlmir (M) calls for a timetable for how Stockholm should be opened after the outbreak. Among other things, he mentions the United Kingdom as an inspiration in this field.

Photo: Hossain Salmonzade

She lifts Britain Who came up with the plan that up to 10,000 spectators could visit the football fields for an example.

– Same thing when it comes to Denmark. They have a clear plan, because when everyone over the age of 50 is vaccinated, it’s time to open up the country, says Anna Konik Gerlmir.

In addition to the hotel and restaurant business, Anna Conic Gerlmir points out business exhibitions and concert organizers that require more explicit information and a timetable for a return to “normalcy”.

– Often the lead time to book a global artist is 12 to 18 months, and our venues are empty. The organizers want to know, but they have no information. The lack of this kind of news is what makes many people frustrated.

Now the spread of the infection is so high in the community so far. Is it the right time to ask for a reopening?

– Catching, keeping your distance is even more important. But as we see more people being vaccinated, more and more people will resist. In our specialized homes where almost everyone is vaccinated, we find that the spread of the infection is very low. This means we can open it in a completely different way. Our neighbors do the same, and we should do the same.

Opposition councilor Karin Vangard (Soktem) rejects the notion that Britain should be seen as a pioneer in dealing with the epidemic, especially referring to the country’s prime minister, Boris Johnson.

– I would never like to hold Boris Johnson’s hand during an epidemic. He is very changeable. After two days, he may bring a different date to his plans. This may work where they are most likely to clash in the British debate. But in Sweden, it’s important that what we say is something we implement, he says.

“In Sweden, it’s important that what we say is something we implement,” says Karin Vangard, who believes Boris Johnson had a changeable approach to the issue of opening the UK.

Photo: Alexander Mahmoud

That doesn’t mean Karin Wangard Model delivered on different dates in Denmark and Norway, perfect model for Sweden and Stockholm.

– I really don’t think these are the dates that Stockholms have been waiting for. They want politicians to show measures to save businesses in crisis and ensure that our young people in school are well, says Karin Vangard.

In mid-April, the city of Stockholm was reported to be offering a budget surplus of SEK of $ 4.9 billion for 2020. Among other things, Karin Vanguard now exemplifies culture as an important industry for investing extra money.

– We have not received any new money in the field of culture this year, and those in the industry are on their knees. People are changing the industry and it will be a long recovery process before that sector starts again. The resume for Stockholm is based on the fact that it is a city to visit, and then cultural activities are almost the most important thing, he says.

According to Karin Wangard, social services and schools need more resources, and for him, the surplus can be used with other things. But during epidemics, Karin Vangard points out, for example, that the restaurant industry is particularly affected.

How to access a schedule to reopen Stockholm?

– I think it’s very difficult. You have to be very careful about that. But as a politician, you have to be on your toes when restrictions are relaxed. We are in a crisis. The most important thing is to act and dare to make decisions that show that we do not have much leadership in this epidemic Stockholm.

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