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Soon we will get rid of passwords – Passkey from Google out

Soon we will get rid of passwords – Passkey from Google out

Passwords will become effective soon. Instead, we should now be able to use a single “master key” for our devices. Google is now rolling out Passkey for Chrome and Android in beta.

There are few of us who have not forgotten one password or another. Or lose the sticky note/paper/document/little black book where all the passwords are. Now that time is almost over.

Google is now offering a beta version of the passkey technology for Android and Chrome OS. A Passkey is basically a master key, a more secure way to replace old passwords, to access your digital accounts According to Wired magazine.

Password will be released soon

In short, it’s all about proving it’s you in order to log in. You can use your fingerprint, facial recognition, or even a PIN code.

Now Google is letting beta users test the feature, but most of the tech giants are heading in the same direction: a passwordless future.

Nothing hackers steal

Soon we won’t have to remember a single password, and even better, there won’t be any for hackers to steal. There is an encrypted personal key on your device, and it matches the key of the service you are logging into. You must open your computer or phone to log in.

A fingerprint or face replaces the list of passwords, and the keys provided by various services are useless without your fingerprint or face. If someone hacks your computer or phone, they won’t be able to get into your digital accounts without – just that – you.

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Tech giants are pulling in the same direction

It’s not just Google working towards a password-free future. Apple, Microsoft, FIDO Alliance, and W3C Web Authentication are working on the solutions. According to Sweden Computer Using Webauthn keys encrypted via Bluetooth and the user’s mobile phone instead of text.

In the long run, you should be able to use the technology on all types of devices, regardless of the manufacturer.

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