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She attacked the referee – and now Debra Redden has received her punishment

She attacked the referee – and now Debra Redden has received her punishment

Pictures from the court shocked the world.

The judge only had time to deny bail before inmate Debra Redden lunged at her.

Now they have met again – and Mary Kay Holthus has been able to announce the prison sentence.

From the archives: The prisoner assaulted the judge

Debra Redden threw herself at the referee.

Five days after the violent attack in a Las Vegas courtroom, Judges Mary Kay Holthus and Debra Redden met again. This time with prisoner Raiden wearing a mask, chained and with extra security.

Holthus could then calmly announce that Redden would be sentenced to 19 to 48 months in prison. Regarding the previous charge. Now he will be tried on 13 more charges for assaulting the referee.

– Holthus announced that all other cases arising from last Wednesday's events will be dealt with at a later date and by another court.

– For your information, I want to make it clear that I am not changing or amending the sentence that I was about to impose last week, before I was interrupted due to the actions of the accused.

He wanted to kill the judge

Reddin appeared before Holthus last Wednesday, where the judge refused to issue a suspended sentence to Reddin due to his violent past.

“It's time for you to taste something else, I can't with the history you have,” the judge said before Redden threw himself over the bench at her.

A number of court employees were forced to intervene to stop the assault, and the judge was injured, although not seriously. According to a local television station, Redden blamed his behavior on a “bad day” and said he wanted to kill the judge who was “pursuing him.”

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