Employees under the age of 30 (Generation Z) have twice as many frequent absences due to illness, compared to their...
Below is a summary of the decisions taken at the meeting. The full documents can be found under Meeting Documents...
The report is a 2023 compilation of care-associated infections, antibiotic use and risk factors in people living in private residences...
Anesthetic injections into the mouth when teeth are extracted during orthodontic treatment cause strong stress effects in children. This is...
The number of children who underwent surgery varied. Last year there were five children and we expect to double the...
Local researchers in Stockholm University I have researched the relationship between green spaces and antidepressant medication withdrawal. The study clearly...
Patients with sepsis or septic shock are usually cared for in the intensive care unit and, in connection with this,...
The new regulations were introduced at the beginning of 2024, which means that according to the transitional regulations, it is...
In summer, the sun is at its strongest between 11.00 and 15.00. Exposure to sunlight means the risk of skin...
Federica Giammarino, Josefina Robertson, Victor Vestergren, Aswathy Narayanan, Alexandra Ahlberg, and Björn Nordberg.The researchers receiving financial grants are:Federica Giammarino, Postdoctoral...