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SaaS services are growing – security considerations are lagging

SaaS services are growing – security considerations are lagging

SaaS, Software as a Service, continues to grow. Companies are spending more money on cloud-based software, and the trend appears to be continuing.

SaaS, Software as a Service, continues to grow. According to Venturebeat It is spending 66 percent more money on SaaS applications this year than last year. It is a cost effective, scalable and reliable way for companies to improve operations.

SaaS is low in the prio . list

However, it is not completely free from problems. A survey shows that safety lags far behind in companies’ prioritization.

500 senior decision makers in organizations in the European Union, the United Kingdom and the United States of America participate in the survey According to Venturebeat. Of these, the majority say SaaS security ranks fourth or even lower among their security priorities.

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Most understand the risks, and 66 percent say the rise of SaaS applications brings increased security concerns and adds complexity to organizations. Although decision makers are aware of the problem, it is difficult – if not impossible – for security and IT personnel to keep pace with developments.

According to 23 percent of respondents, pressure from company management to focus on other issues is one reason. Another reason is lack of time and resources, which 28 percent of respondents consider a reason for this. Staff shortages (15 percent) is another reason why SaaS security is not prioritized.

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