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Review: The Gagarine Movie by Fanny Liatard and Jeremy Trouilh – Kulturnytt in P1

Review: The Gagarine Movie by Fanny Liatard and Jeremy Trouilh – Kulturnytt in P1

Title: jagarin
Direction and text: Fanny Littard, Jeremy Trowell and Benjamin Sharpet
In roles: Sunny Batili, Lina Khoudrey, Farida Rahouj and Finnegan Oldfield
the first show: In cinemas August 27
rank: 4 of 5

It’s been a long time since the red T-shaped apartment complex was modern, affordable housing for factory employees and other workers. Now everything is broken and ruined.

Among the residents conflict broke out: should one lie down until the municipality repairs the house, or should it be low so as not to demolish it?

teenage dandelion baby yuri Maintains a “Low Lie” team. His mom was dating a new guy and he lives in the apartment himself. When he repairs and repairs, so that the residents at least have lights and a working elevator, it is also because he has no alternative.

So far, “Gagarine” feels like a realistic social story with documentary elements. And of course, here are the archive photos from the booming ’60s and ’70s. But it is magical realism that brings forward this vivid and surprising story, Yuri’s fantasies that the house is a spacecraft and that he is an astronaut.

Movies are full of space metaphors: the forgotten suburb floats light years from the center. And from a purely aesthetic point of view: the windows of the Million Program are lit like stars in the sky of Paris. And just as the symbolism begins to feel worn out, it flashes and becomes an incredibly powerful and moving image of complete isolation and abandonment.

“Gagarine” is fortunately not a tribute to the grandiose dreams and conformism upon which the house is built, but an emotional tribute to the people who lived there.

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