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Racism is once again at the forefront in the United Kingdom – Brenza Latin

Racism is once again at the forefront in the United Kingdom – Brenza Latin

According to a report released Wednesday by the Independent Commission on Racial and Racial Inequality, the inequalities that many attribute to racial discrimination are generally not rooted in racism.

An inquiry appointed by Prime Minister Boris Johnson following opposition to the Black Lives Matter movement last summer also found that while the community is not yet free from racism, the UK has succeeded in creating a multi-ethnic community with a global reference.

“Simply put, we no longer see Britain as a deliberate organization against ethnic minorities,” the commission said.

The claim fell like a bombshell in political and social circles in a country where blacks complain of discrimination in schools and jobs, and according to official figures, they are four times more likely to be arrested by police and searched on the streets than whites.

Lawmakers, unions and civil rights activists immediately condemned the report as insulting or at least concerned, while Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s top adviser on minorities announced his resignation, although the government said it had nothing to do with the decision.

At the organizational level, we are still racists, and it is very worrying that a government-appointed commission is denying this, ”said Halima Begum, executive director of the Runnymede Foundation, a think tank on racial equality.

Speaking to Sky News TV, Begum said investigators could not help but acknowledge the plight of black and other minority communities in the UK.

Labor legislator David Lamy said his recommendations on racial discrimination in the criminal justice system in 2017 had so far not been taken into account, adding that it was a ‘shame’ for everyone who had experienced racism in the country.

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This statement may be a turning point and a moment to unite, but instead it was decided to divide us once again and discuss the existence of racism, without doing anything to eradicate it, said the shadow (opposition) in the cabinet called by the Secretary of Justice.

Lisa Nandy, Lammi’s co-religionist in the British Parliament, declared herself disappointed and accused the Conservative government of underestimating the structural nature of racism.

This is very disappointing because on the one hand it seems to acknowledge that there are enormous problems affecting blacks and other ethnic minorities every day, on the other hand it seeks to reduce the structural nature of these challenges, the deputy said.

Historian David Olasoka from The Academy assured The Guardian that the authors of the report echo the same argument that slave owners used to defend slavery 200 years ago, and that by integrating British culture, blacks somehow benefited from the system.

The Avalanche Commission of Criticism led to the release of a report a day promising that it would misrepresent its results, and misinterpretations could undermine the scope of the study, which is meant to address the causes of inequality in the United Kingdom.

We have never said that there is no racism in society or in institutions, but rather that racism is real, that we must confront it, and that the authors of the report, in what appears to be an attempt, perhaps too late, will calm things down.

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