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Queen Elizabeth has seen it all!  |  X3M

Queen Elizabeth has seen it all! | X3M

You knew she was on the throne for quite some time, but do you already know how long?

Queen Elizabeth II has been on the British throne for 63 years. She was only 26 years old when her father, King George IV, died and she, in turn, became queen.

It also broke a record. She will be the head of the country that has ruled Britain for the longest period. Congratulations are definitely in place.

To celebrate Elizabeth, we’ll take a look at some of the important things that have happened in the world during her long career as a queen. In 63 years, a lot has happened.

Berlin Wall

Queen Elizabeth Photoshop.

Queen Elizabeth Photoshop.
Bild: Juha-Pekka Inkinen / Creative Commons / Andrew Linnet MoD

In 1989, the legendary wall that divided Berlin in two fell. Elizabeth was then queen for a full 37 years. She was certainly glad that the people of Berlin were free.


Queen Elizabeth Photoshop.

Queen Elizabeth Photoshop.
Photo: Yle/EPA
music song

michael jackson superlåt excitementThe music video for the song premiered in 1983. By that time, Elizabeth had sat on the British throne for 31 years. She might have been listening to the song when she was alone at a house party. At least we hope so.


Queen Elizabeth Photoshop.

Queen Elizabeth Photoshop.
Photo: Elliot Landy/AP Graphics Bank/EPA/Robert Perry

The legendary Woodstock Rock Festival was held in the United States in 1969. By that time, Elizabeth had ruled Britain for 17 years. We’re a little unsure if she’d like to be in her place among all the half-naked fans.

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Landing on the moon

Queen Elizabeth Photoshop.

Queen Elizabeth Photoshop.
BILD: NASA/Creative Commons/David Turquivia/Michael Garnett
Neil Armstrong

In 1969, man took his first steps on the surface of the moon. It seems like a very long time ago, but not for Elizabeth. She was queen at that time 17 years ago.

Martin Luther King

Photoshop Martin Luther King.

Photoshop Martin Luther King.
BILD: Wikimedia Commons/Slick-O-Put/EBA/Andy Raine
Martin Luther King

In 1963, Martin Luther King, Jr. gave his world-famous speech about the dream he had been dreaming of. For 11 years Elizabeth was queen at that time. We like to imagine her among onlookers cheering passionately for Martin.

Gilhouse Rock

Queen Elizabeth Photoshop.

Queen Elizabeth Photoshop.
BILD: Wikimedia Commons / Sir Richardson / EPA / Paul Faith
Queen Elizabeth II

The world famous song of Elvis Presley Gilhouse Rock He came out in 1957. Elvis was only 22 years old at the time. On the other hand, Elizabeth ruled Britain for five years. Sadly, Elvis is no longer with us today, but she is Elizabeth, and she’s not going anywhere!

We have to say again – congratulations Elizabeth!