According to the latest ratings from the software company Tiobe, Python is now the most popular programming language in the world. The so-called Tiobe Index is based on the number of language searches performed online, which may also be a measure of a language’s popularity.
Java and C have been the top-ranked programming languages in the Tiobe index for many years, while Python is steadily advancing on the list. Now, for the first time, the language has taken first place in the Tiobe Index. Paul Jansen of Tiobe Software writes
“For the first time in more than 20 years, we have a new leader for the package: the Python programming language. The long-standing dominance of Java and C.. Python, which began as a simple scripting language, is over as an alternative to Perl as it becomes mature, easy to learn, and massive. of libraries, and its widespread use in all kinds of fields, has made it the most popular programming language today.”
Here are the 10 most popular programming languages according to the Tiobe Index for October 2021 as well as a table showing how some programming languages have evolved in popularity since 1986.
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