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OnePlus plants a tree when you trade your phone.  One (1) tree.

OnePlus plants a tree when you trade your phone. One (1) tree.

It is important that electronics manufacturers care about the environment, after all it is a rather dirty story to make electronics and batteries that contain a lot of metals and other things. A lot of energy is also used in this process.

However, when companies want to appear they care about the environment, they can go wrong. Like today when OnePlus sent out a press release, along with Ecology, it will plant a tree for every phone traded on

At OnePlus, we are known for our community spirit and look forward to our users. By giving OnePlus fans the opportunity to help the planet every time they get a new phone, we’re helping them make a positive difference to the planet,” says Thomas Lampen, Head of European Strategy at OnePlus.

Saying that you’re making a positive difference by making a new phone and planting a tree is, perhaps, not entirely accurate. However, recycling an old phone is a good thing! And it is unclear exactly how this recycling process is done, rather than how “environmentally friendly” it is.

cell phoneAnd the oneplusAnd the

tree, recycling

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