World-renowned “Jojo Rabbit” director Taika Waititi is back with a new film – this time about the worst soccer team in the world. International reviewers offer mixed opinions on Next Goal Wins.
The film is considered a success, believes BBC reviewer Kaleem Aftab, who describes the film as funny and accessible. The film is about American Samoa, which has never won a soccer match before. New coach Thomas Rongen, played by Michael Fassbender, dreams of the team scoring one goal.
“Excellent choice,” Aftab writes.
The Guardian reviewer Benjamin Lee watched the film instead and gave it a second rating. The audience certainly laughed a lot at the premiere, but he himself thought the film was “carelessly made” and “strikingly boring.”
Other reviewers hit somewhere in between – more polygon on the negative side, and variety a little more on the positive side. Ross Bonaimi of film website Collider thought the film was “beautiful”.
“Take The Mighty Ducks, put it on a football field and move it to American Samoa, and you get essentially the same story,” he writes.
Read reviews in the links below.
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