The situation was difficult for a long time, and over the weekend it got worse, with overcrowding in all care departments and patients staying overnight in the emergency department, which is very unusual, says Chief Physician Susan Bergenbrandt Glass in a press release.

– We also see that the pressure on intensive care is currently very high. It’s concerning, at least in light of the upcoming Christmas and New Year holidays.

On Monday, when the staff situation began, 33 people were treated in the hospital’s Covid flow, one of whom was in intensive care. In addition, many patients with influenza and RS virus are being treated.

Many employees are also sick. The hospital warns that this can lead to long wait times in the emergency room and emergency room.

Three levels of readiness

Within health care, there are three levels of preparedness:

  • Personnel placement means that the Private Healthcare Department remains informed of the situation, follows the development of events and takes the necessary measures.
  • Boost mode means that the private healthcare department takes measures to strengthen certain important functions.
  • The state of disaster means that the private healthcare department is taking measures to strengthen all important functions.

source: National Council for Health and Welfare