Attendo has appointed Patrick Højberg as Business Area Director for Attendo Scandinavia and a new member of Group Management at Attendo. Patrick most recently comes from the position of CEO of value carrier Loomis’ UK operations, and has previously held various leadership positions in the public and private sectors.
-Patrick has strong leadership experience from private and public operations in Sweden and abroad. He has successfully developed, created growth and increased customer value in large organizations that, like Attendo, clearly organized geographically widespread operations with many employees. “I am delighted that Patrick will now be part of our team that will continue to develop best-in-class care in the Nordics,” says Martin Tevius, President and CEO of Attendo.
– It is a great feeling to be part of an organization that makes a difference for people every day, that has an important function in society and that has for a long time been leading the development of care in the Nordic countries. I hope my experiences in building teams and harnessing the power of the collective employee group will be useful at Attendo. “My motivation is to create value for clients and customers and I bring with me experience from several roles in organizations with important social missions,” says Patrick Højbjerg.
Patrick Højbjerg, born in 1968, has an educational background in economics and marketing, including an MBA from Stockholm University. He most recently comes from Loomis where he held several different roles, most recently as Chief Operating Officer for the UK. Before that, he was, among others, CEO of Norstedts Juridik and CEO of Svensk Kassaservice. Patrick will assume this position at the beginning of November 2023. In connection with this, he will also become part of the management of the Attendo Group.
Atendo AB (published)
For more information, please contact:
Andreas Koch, Director of Communications and Investor Relations Atendo
Phone: +46 705 09 77 61 e-mail:
Attendo – the leading care company in the Nordic countries | For more than 35 years, Attendo’s starting point has been to see, support and enhance people in need in everything we do. In addition to senior care, Attendo provides care for people with disabilitiesDisabilities and individual and family care. Attendo has more than 30,000 employees and is locally based with around 700 companies in around 300 municipalities in Sweden, Finland and Denmark. Every day, our employees meet tens of thousands of customers in their daily lives. All of our sponsorship efforts are based on Attendo’s shared values of care, commitment and efficiency.
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