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More than 20 million Britons have been vaccinated

More than 20 million Britons have been vaccinated

The epidemic has shaken most people. However, some industries and companies have handled the crisis better than others. Some even took advantage of it. But who are the long-term winners? And how can you, as a new player in the market, get an idea of ​​the investments that can provide sustainable growth?

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The Corona outbreak has had a major impact on the global economy and financial markets. No industry was affected. But while the travel and entertainment sector has been hit hard, for example, other sectors, including games, streaming services, food delivery and e-commerce, could benefit from the crisis.

But what happens when the epidemic ends? Throughout the crisis, private investors and financial institutions have studied market conditions and attempted to identify which segments benefit – or will benefit in the future. The goal now is to understand how the different sectors have changed and try to find the next investment direction.

Sectors to be tracked

You should always be careful when making investment decisions and think about allocating risks. If you are new to the market, you can also turn your back on other investors who have more knowledge and experience.

eToro is the world’s leading social trading network for stocks, currencies and cryptocurrencies, among other things. The network includes millions of users and a set of innovative tools that make it easy to start investing. The whole core of eToro is to make trading available to anyone, anywhere and to reduce reliance on traditional financial institutions.

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EToro has identified some more interesting slides to watch:

Game. The industry was on the rise even before the pandemic started. Now it has proven itself as one of the most profitable entertainment outlets. In a post-Corona world, there are more players than before and many of them are likely to remain consumers. It is therefore not surprising that the gaming sector is popular with investors.

E-Commerce. As is known, the Coronavirus has caused an increase in e-commerce rates. 2020 was the best year ever for Swedish e-commerce. The Electronic Retailer Index also shows that confidence in the future among electronic retailers is strong. There are every reason to believe that consumer behavior has permanently changed and that e-commerce has established itself on a new, higher level.

Food delivery. During the pandemic, people around the world have taken advantage of online food delivery platforms. Modern smartphone technology and GPS enabled new courier services in cooperation with restaurants. This is clearly evident in several stocks in the sector. Today food delivery operations are so dependent on technology that it has become part of the larger food technology industry, and online delivery is seen as a part that drives consumer behavior in the food industry.

Biotechnology. With regard to the epidemic, interest in biotech rations has increased significantly. Several companies have competed to develop vaccines and other treatments for the Coronavirus. Possible solutions to coronavirus include CRISPR, a gene editing method said to be a potential treatment for everything from HIV to ALS. The biotechnology industry is also seeing the potential of VelociSuite technology to track and record infections.

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5G technology. Coronavirus has forever changed the way we work, and the next generation of high-speed wireless communication is already being implemented. It will improve almost every aspect of digital communication. Some technologies that will improve smartphone Internet access, Internet of Things (IoT), video streaming, games and driverless cars.

Copy merchants

The idea of ​​eToro is to make the financial market accessible to everyone. In addition to being a trading platform, eToro has also introduced many new features for social trading. Here, private traders and investors can discuss, guide and share experiences and copy each other’s strategies. There are also innovative tools for trading and investing.

The most popular feature of eToro, CopyTrader, lets you see what real traders are doing in real time and copy their trades. Editor’s Choice offers recently traded Popular Investors who are worth checking out.

But keep in mind that it’s easy to walk away when revenue is a priority for a portfolio. Ensure that the company has a stable profit base and optimistic outlook. This is the key to making sure your hard earned money doesn’t smoke.

EToro tactics to help you get started easily