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Many women in Västra Götaland choose not to receive the HPV vaccine – even though it is free

Many women in Västra Götaland choose not to receive the HPV vaccine – even though it is free

In a study conducted on behalf of Karolinska University Hospital, the HPV vaccine is offered free of charge to all women in Sweden born between 1994 and 1999.

The “Get the HPV shot” campaign is in full swing and the vaccine is free. Despite this, only about a quarter of the women in the target group in Västra Götaland have been vaccinated. The goal is to vaccinate at least 70% of women before the beginning of the year until herd immunity is achieved.

Many people postpone vaccination

Velma Smedberg was selected to receive the HPV vaccine. She says she knows only one person who took advantage of the free vaccine.

-I think a lot of people are like me. “You put it off and it doesn't happen,” she says.

Suspected fear

Katarina Kelibak is a gynecologist and cervical cancer screening officer at the Western Regional Cancer Centre. She believes there are several reasons behind the low vaccination rate.

– Some fear of vaccines, fatigue from vaccination, and the necessity of taking the step of scheduling the appointment yourself, she says.

More vaccination in other areas

In the Stockholm region, nearly 40 percent have been vaccinated, and in several smaller regions, including the Kalmar region, the vaccination rate is as high as 50 percent.

In several regions, they started vaccination early. We have only been vaccinating since June,” says Katarina Kelipak.

Why did you start working at Västra Götaland so late?

– Here we go through the vaccinators who were bought by the vaccination coordination and it took time, she says.

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Do you think you will have time to vaccinate everyone by the end of the year?

– I really hope so.