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In the footsteps of the Vikings - with the Jorvik Viking Festival

In the footsteps of the Vikings – with the Jorvik Viking Festival

Early one morning on June 8, 793, Lindisfarne, the monks at the monastery on the lonely island were leaving the monastery church after morning prayers when they saw two long ships with dragon heads on their bows gliding by. towards the shore. About a hundred armed men came ashore. With a loud roar they ran towards the monastery church. The frightened monks were cut down. The treasures of the monastery were looted. The Viking Age had begun.

One of the highlights of the trip is a visit to the windswept and holy island of Lindisfarne, where the ruins of a monastery once attacked by the Norwegians still remain. Among other things, here we find a tomb depicting the attack of the Vikings. Another is the festivals and lectures we see during the Jorvik Viking Festival in York, and of course we’ll also explore Jorvik, the old capital of the Vikings – present-day York. It houses the Viking Museum Jorvik Viking Center and the Rich City Museum.