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Historic Oscar Ericsson: ‘Hard to believe it’s gone’

Historic Oscar Ericsson: ‘Hard to believe it’s gone’

Erickson, 30, has been around for a long time, despite his relatively young age.

Already in Sochi, he won his first Olympic medal – and that without misbehaving on the ice. Ericsson was a backup in the Niklas Eden bronze team, just as he was four years ago in Vancouver.

– I was lucky enough to join when I was eighteen. Then I probably didn’t have time to play a little restroom, he says.

The role of the reserve is more than sitting in the stands and preparing to jump. The task includes a daily test of stones and fitness on the ice, as well as analysis of opponents and a lot of other things.

This part was taken care of by Daniel Magnuson in Beijing – and of course he also took home a gold medal.

Got a lead role

When Eden remade his cast, Oscar Erickson got a major role. He was implicated in the last bitter loss against the United States at Pyeongchang four years ago.

The setback prompted Eden to carry on – and Ericsson to continue his purposeful investment. The Quartet, along with Rasmus, Rano and Christopher Sundgren, decided to give the Olympics another chance to search for the lost gold medal.

For Ericsson, the Olympics started early. He entered mixed curling with Almeida de Val already two days before the opening. After a questionable start, the duo took the bronze – Ericsson’s third Olympic medal.

The win over Canada in the semi-finals secured another match – 22 in three over three weeks.

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– It’s so cool to have the fourth gold medal. It is very nice that we succeeded.

“It’s tough”

TT: What will happen to you in the future?

– It’s tough. We haven’t really said what we want to do after this season, but it’s going to be an assessment and we’ll see what everyone wants to do. Right now you just want to win more, but mostly we have to enjoy the moment.

Trinidad and Tobago: He never mentioned that Beijing would be the team’s last stop if they won the gold medal?

No, we didn’t say anything about that. We’ll see what life is like for everyone. “Right now, I see a great opportunity for us to move forward into the future,” says Oscar Ericsson.