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Here are the most read debates of the year – Altinget

Here are the most read debates of the year – Altinget

This is an opinion that reflects the writer’s point of view.

110 Speech Therapists: Build Language Needs Discussion on Facts

“It is desirable that children are exposed early on to the language spoken by the majority of society – in this case Swedish, and exposure is of good quality. However, forcing children with few resources into pre-school will not solve the problem,” he said.

This is what 110 speech therapists wrote on the call.

“Our profession includes the prevention, investigation and treatment of a wide range of difficulties related to language, speech and communication. Although this text is a comment on political debate, we do not take a partisan political position. We have different values ​​and different perspectives on how society, care and school should be run.” There are views. What unites us is the desire to help our patients and their relatives. We hope to contribute to a less polarized debate based on facts.

Beware of activists who seek to undermine work against violent extremism

“Various disinformation campaigns to undermine the work to prevent violent extremism have rained heavily over the years. Already in 2014, we warned about collaboration between the British KJK and the MMRK (Muslim Human Rights Group) in Sweden.

Magnus Ranstorp, professor and strategic advisor in political science at the Center for Total Security and Social Security (CTSS) at the Norwegian Defense Academy, and Peder Hyllengren, researcher at the Norwegian Defense Academy, wrote.

“An overarching strategy used by KJUK and MMRK is to paint themselves as victims and oppressed. Both use Islamophobia and racism to silence and smear their opponents. In the UK, organizations such as CageUK and Muslim Engagement and Development (Mend) support the UK government and their efforts to prevent violent extremism (Prevention). They are campaigning extensively against the works.

The school’s problem is one of reluctance and low levels of ambition

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“The idea of ​​organizing school teaching is that teachers should teach students. So teaching time is the most important unit of schooling. Before the reforms of the 1990s, there were strict rules about how much teaching time students would get during subjects, semesters, grades and levels. Similarly, teachers’ planning and revision of teaching There were agreed rules relating to securing opportunities and how long a teacher could teach.”

Åsa Fahlén, president of the National Federation of Teachers, criticizes principals for the development of Swedish schools.

“In principle, the entire grade-supporting regulatory framework disappeared after the reforms of the 1990s. Efforts were launched to eliminate the primary school timetable. The existence of ‘lessons without a teacher’ testifies to a severely devalued view of school teaching.”

SD-Kvinnor: The social democrats have made women worse in Sweden

“Today during the Social Democrats’ Day in Almedalen, we present a list of 10 points on which the Social Democrats have failed, even as Swedish women say they want to be the world’s first feminist government.”

This is what SD-Kvinnor writes in a discussion paper:

“Soon, two mandates have passed with the Social Democrats’ self-proclaimed “women’s government”, and it’s a tumultuous time. Much has been said, but still little has been done, not least, women have suffered – exactly the target group’s position that needs to be strengthened.”

Don’t limit your opportunity to get involved with a nonprofit

“A new proposal would increase protections for the sick and those with activity compensation to voluntarily engage and participate in leisure activities. But the proposal restricts democratic rights and violates the UN Convention on Human Rights and Activity Rights.

It was written by representatives of the Funktionsrät, the Children’s Cancer Fund, the DHR, the Brain Fund and the Society for Research on Adults.

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“In leisure activities, non-profit involvement, and political commitments, the individual can decide and control the scope and timing in relation to their own opportunities and limitations. While the able-bodied are expected to be active every day, the more active individuals may step aside as the day’s pattern looms.”

“Despite the differences, we have a development in Sweden where people are hunted by the social insurance company for their non-profit commitment – this is the basis for the existence of the activity rights movement and the whole people’s movement. We see this in our own local associations. People are inactive for fear of having their compensation withdrawn, while Society loses valuable contributions.