
Complete British News World

Global Climate Correspondent Affected by Sunlight - VLT

Global Climate Correspondent Affected by Sunlight – VLT

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The solution of the planet The alleged climate problems were not due to sunlight from the Sahara. Erika Bjerstrom has discovered the world’s largest solar power plant. This facility is called Noor and is located in Morocco.

As usual, SVT’s global climate correspondent found another place to reaffirm SVT’s belief that carbon dioxide hunting is above all else. Fairness and cost will not be allowed to expand the field of vision. The guiding principle is – do not check the facts, because the story will break.

Erika Bjerstrom is looking for places to confirm her thesis that we have a climate crisis. She closes her eyes no matter what she says. She is not ashamed of insulting opponents in news items. May be the personal correspondent who provided the most reports to the Board of Review.


December 15 Sent a report on a large-scale project in Morocco. She swallowed the whole bait uncritically and only revealed that the politics and money behind it were what the public wanted to see. It fits in perfectly with her agenda. It starts with a serious factual error and completely loses its fairness. The weather must be taken care of!


– It is said that 8% of the Sahara can give energy to the whole world. According to the information he provided about the facility, it was 47 percent. Six times as much. And geographically unreasonable.

– The installed power is 582 MW, which delivers 1.2 TWh. 25 percent of wind power. The half ringleader that delivers 90 percent is equivalent to the power of a reactor.

– This plant provides electricity to 2.3 million people. Yes – but they have to do with 500 kWh / person and year.

– “We will be the green energy bridge between Africa and Europe” SVT News. Spain already has a cable. The deal with Portugal is nearing. If you want to use this broadcast capability, you need 15 similar features.

– Contract signed with UK for electricity for seven million households. 380 miles away! According to a conservative estimate, an additional thirty-five facilities and some transaction losses would have to be built.

– This facility covers an area of ​​30 square kilometers in the Sahara Desert. With the stated ambitions, it would be 1500 sq km.

– The plant is said to cost $ 9 billion. Approximately SEK 90 billion. Built by the Chinese. The estimated depreciation period is said to be 30 years. Capital Expenditure Excluding Interest Only SEK 2.50 / kWh! The World Bank, the African Development Bank and the European Development Bank, among others, are responsible for funding the project. Lenders or borrowers do not expect to repay.



– Morocco celebrates second place in climate change. After us. They aim for 42 percent renewable energy, but the reality today is that more than 80 percent of the energy is based on imported oil, gas and coal. It is not possible to help poor countries with electricity, which always assumes that someone else is paying.

Boss Hanna Stjärne Is satisfied. She does not see that her professional staff allows personal preferences to influence the work. He recently stressed on a 30-minute television program that objectivity, objectivity and impartiality are the key words they should follow.

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